Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Before I met you, I wondered why all the lyrics in love songs were so exaggerated: Why do lyricists create such mushy and overemotional sentences? Why can’t they just write a good melody without those melodramatic lyrics? That is plain exaggeration.

Before I fell in love with you, I thought romance novels were just so silly: Why would a person cry for another person for hours? How could a person wait for his lover for years? That is plain silliness.

Before iwant to be your couple, I thought romance movies were just so stupid: How could a person love another person so deeply that it became an obsession? How could one sacrifice so much, even to the extent of his own life, for his lover? That is plain stupidity.

When I realized I had fallen so deeply in love with you, I finally understood that songs, novels and movies are just reflections of life, inspired by the writers’ true stories.

Because when I decided to end our relationship, I realized our story mirrors a love song that I once heard, a novel you once read and a movie we once watched.

adaptation from low kay hwa

Monday, November 16, 2009

hiii again

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..

kepada kawan2 yang tersayang,
pertama kalinye....sy nk minta maaf bnyk2 sbb x update blog ni.
ini bukan bermakna sy xpernh buke langsung blog saya ni.
sy buke n untuk ke blog shikasakana ni jinsei utk mendownload lgu n vc jpn...
ada gak lah buke blog len....

minta maaf lgi sekali diucapkan
terutama kepada nuratikah (ika kun) dan azza
sbb dorang slalu tnya
"bl ko n update blog ko"
n sy dah berjnji kepada ika kun
utk update blog sy ari ni...

kirenye jnji dh ditunaikan lh ni..
lega atiku..

klu ada kelapangan dan kerajinan
sy akan menaip di blog ini
untuk menceritakan pape sje yang sy nk critekan...

ja ne